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How does Lucky Diamond remove dust and debris?
Lucky Diamond is substantially thicker than traditional cleaning products.  It’s sheer weight and thickness pushes into the grooves and uses its proprietary surfactants to loosen material which is removed with towel.
How does Lucky Diamond deal with static?
Vinyl records are lightning rods for static and are ever accumulating it.  The Lucky Diamond solution itself is anti-static, so both towel and disc are cleared during cleaning.  Ultimately, however, static will return and the amount varies depending on environmental and seasonal conditions.
How many sprays does it take?
To completely coat one side of a record it typically takes between 10-12 sprays, which is roughly 1ml.  This will ensure all parts of the grooves are effectively cleaned and ensures that Lucky Diamond’s residual protective coating is complete and even.  One 8 oz bottle of Lucky Diamond will treat over 200 sides!
Do I have to rinse the record with water?

Yes, rinsing is a part of any serious record cleaning process.  It is common for Lucky Diamond to leave a fine layer of debris from the surfactant on the record as a result of the drying process.  It is easily rinsed away, along with any other accumulated debris from the cleaning process or towel, restoring a quiet record surface.

Rinsing can be achieved most effectively by rinsing at the sink but can also be achieved using other rinsing methods on the market.

Will my VPI machine achieve the rinse process?
Yes! Simply apply water to the disc prior to the vacuum process. This will effectively complete the required rinsing process of the Lucky Diamond system.
Using The Towel
What towel should I use?
Lucky Diamond works best with microfiber towels, or any kind of towel that carries the least lint and doesn’t scratch the record.  The towel that comes with Lucky Diamond is tag-less and safe for vinyl records.
How should I maintain my towel?
Towels should be washed and dried independently of other clothing or garments.  Be careful not to let Lucky Diamond dry hard on the towel as this can promote scratching on the record surface.  This kind of drying can occur when towel has been left to dry after several cleanings.
Skip Correction Feature
How does Lucky Diamond “correct skips”?
Skips are caused by a variety of issues from dirt and debris in the grooves to lint collected on the stylus.  These are generally corrected with removal of the material.  Skips caused by physical damaged cannot be cleaned away.  In these instances Lucky Diamond’s protective coating changes the friction signature, resulting in a much better chance of the needle staying in the groove, rather than jumping out and into another.
How do I know which skips Lucky Diamond will fix?
It is virtually impossible to know ahead of time which skips Lucky Diamond will resolve.  The nature of the groove destruction isn’t visible to the naked eye.  But here’s a tip!  Damages more perpendicular to the grooves are the easiest to resolve, while damages more parallel to the grooves are the most difficult.
Are skips corrected forever?
Because the stylus creates erosion as it tracks through the record grooves, the Lucky Diamond finish will wear out after repeated plays.  This also means Lucky Diamond is taking erosion away from the record grooves!  By regularly maintaining your records with Lucky Diamond you will likely avoid this issue and keep the grooves protected at the same time.
I'm now hearing more surface noise after cleaning!

It is common for all cleaning methods to result in some additional noise after cleaning.

With Lucky Diamond this is attributed either to an insufficient rinse process or the record isn’t completely dry.

To avoid this noise and enjoy a restored quietness, make sure and thoroughly rinse record as instructed and let dry completely.  

I got Lucky Diamond on the inner label!

Always shield the inner label with towel while spraying to avoid contact.  Many labels are water proof and Lucky Diamond’s non-solvent solution will not damage them. 

However, many older labels are paper labels and no liquid of any kind should ever contact them.  In the event that Lucky Diamond makes contact with any record inner label, calmly and lightly wipe it away with a dry microfiber towel immediately.

I got Lucky Diamond on my turntable!
Always spray on the opposite side of the tone arm.  In the event that overs-pray occurs, simply wipe down the affected area.  Lucky Diamond contains no solvents nor reactive chemicals and won’t hurt your gear, however you don’t want to let it pool up and dry.  Always take care to spray Lucky Diamond onto the record so to avoid over-spray, and to conserve the product!
I got Lucky Diamond on my myself!
No worries! Lucky Diamond is non-toxic and non-allergenic.
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